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Download Productions

Use a saved search for your document set, then download load files, images, natives, and text to securely share with an outside party.

John OHara avatar
Written by John OHara
Updated over a week ago

Looking for a quick PDF export of search results? Try our PDF Download tool.

Creating Downloads

  • Project and Account Admins can create downloads.

  • Downloads are based on saved searches. Create a Saved Search first by clicking "Save" under the Search pane. You can "Lock" the search to prevent changes, and/or "Include family members" that didn't match the search criteria.

  • To create the Download from a saved search, go to the “Saved Searches” list and click the “Download” button next to the relevant search:

This will bring up the 4 Step Download Form. See step-by-step instructions for this 4 Step Form below:

Step 1 - Download Options

Select a Saved Search - This dropdown will list the saved searches made within the project. This will be pre-selected if you started a download from the Saved Search list. You must select a saved search to initiate a Download.

Load a Download Template - If you have saved a pre-existing Download template, you may select one here. Later, in Step 4 of the Download creation process, you will be given the option to save a new template for future use. Additionally, any download templates that were previously saved and shared across projects within your account will also appear here as an option.

Family Inclusion Setting - Selecting “Yes” will pull in any family members of documents related to, but not currently a part of, your saved search.

Culled Family Inclusion Setting - This will pull in any family members of documents in your saved search that were culled.

Sort By - This will allow you to choose the order of your documents in the download. Filepath (a-z) is set as the default option and will ensure families appear in order, but you also have advanced custom sort options available to you. Here's an article that explains those options.

Getting a warning message?

Privilege Warning: You can run the Saved Search the download is based on and select the “Potentially Privileged” from the Auto Tag (QC Tag) filters, or the "Privilege" tag from the Tags filter in the Filter Carousel, or simply paste the search processing_flag:"Potentially Privileged OR tags:Privilege into the main search bar. Potentially Privileged is an Auto Tag that Logikcull applies upon processing and is based on our database of law firm email addresses.

Family Warning: If you select "Yes, include and group family members," from the drop-down list on this page, Logikcull will pull in documents that are related, but not part of, the Saved Search you used to create your download. This warning tells you exactly how many additional documents are being added to your download by selecting this option. If you want to download only the specific set of documents that you saved, select "No, don't include." (Note: Selecting "Yes, include and group family members" may potentially pull in family documents tagged as ˆ"Privileged" and will prompt the Privilege Warning banner shown above)

Step 2 - Load File Generator

In Step 2, you'll see a summary of your download at the top of the page.

Load File Options

Include Load Files. Choose whether or not to include Load Files in your Download. A Load File is a table of delimited information that contains metadata fields associated with each document..

Load File Format. You can choose between CSV, DAT (Relativity or Concordance formatted), or .dii (Summation formatted) metadata load files, and between OPT or LFP image load files.

Load File Template. You may select among pre-set load file templates conveniently provided by Logikcull (our most popular being the Logikcull Sample template populated with 41 commonly used fields). You may also choose from a previously-created load file template that you or other users in this have saved or shared across the project and/or account.

Create new template (and view existing templates) - If you choose to create a new template instead of using a pre-populated load file template, you will see a screen with two columns. The left side is available fields, the right side is the fields your load file will contain after you click on your selections. You may individually choose metadata fields from the full list on the left, or build off of a pre-populated template from the drop-down menu on the right and modifying accordingly.

Once you are finished creating your customized load file template, you have the option to save your template to use for future downloads or to share across the account.

Step 3 - Image Options

Include Redactions - Select whether to include any saved redactions to files in your Download.

Include Images - Choose to include images of your documents in your download. You can also include Previously Downloaded Images (a previous download's Bates endorsement).

Image Formats (next field) include multipage color PDFs, single page B&W TIFF, and multipage B&W TIFF.

> More options and image defaults - Expand this section to specify how to name Images, choose file types to be Imaged, and also to endorse images (e.g., Bates numbers, "Confidential", "Highly Confidential-AEO" etc). See below Quick Guide for a guide on how to bates stamp documents. You may also specify slip-sheets to include for any file types deselected in this section.

⚠️ Please note when naming images and natives: "with Imported Bates Number" refers to imported metadata in a Database Upload. If your records were not given a Bates number prior to this download process, you can choose "with Document Number as File Name" to name documents with the Bates number you assign during this process. Selecting "with Imported Bates Number" without imported metadata will cause Logikcull to default to the original file name. ⚠️

Step 3 - Native Options

Select "Yes, include native files in download" to include Native files (the original file type that was initially uploaded to Logikcull) in your download. Please note that, if a document image was redacted, the native version of that document will be withheld even if you choose to include natives in this step.

Naming Natives (dropdown menu to the right) You can choose to have your native files in your download named with:

  • Bates Number as file name: this number is assigned in Step 4 of the download.

  • original file name

  • with imported bates number as file name: if you are downloading documents that were imported via a Production Upload, Logikcull will use the imported BegDoc metadata to name the documents. If there is no imported BegDoc metadata, Logikcull will fall back to original file name.

    > More options and natives defaults - Choose the file types you wish to provide natively in your download by checking them off. Any unchecked file types in this section will not be provided natively. Also note: If the setting to include redacted documents (Step 3) is enabled, any documents that are redacted will not be provided natively, as well as any families of those redacted documents.

Step 3 - Text Options

  1. Include Text Files - Choose to include or exclude text files. Folder to include Text Files (next field) specifies which folder to include the text files in your download.

  2. Customize by Document Tag - This allows you to specify the format in which specific documents are produced based on the tag those documents contain. See full guide here for more details.

Step 4 - Finalizing and Sharing Downloads

Download Summary Table

The first section of Step 4 provides a summary of your selections. Please note that "Data Downloaded" row includes an inventory of tags applied to documents in Logikcull, and does not indicate that those tags are exposed in the download itself. The only way to share a document tag is by including it as metadata in a load file, or via a custom endorsement.

Download Information

You are required to enter the following information in Step 4 to complete the Download process:

  1. Download Volume/Name - The name associated with the download volume within Logikcull. ⚠️ Please note that the download volume name cannot be renamed or modified after the download is completed.

  2. Starting Document/Bates Number - This is your last step to the bates-stamping process detailed in Step 3 above. Input a starting document or bates number here. This is a required field even if you do not include endorsement settings.

    1. Bates/Starting Numbers must be 50 characters or fewer and are restricted to letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores (i.e., no spaces). They must also end in a number.

    2. When setting your Starting Document/Bates number, you must have an appropriate number of leading 0's for the amount of pages in your download. For example:
      A 100 page document in which the Bates endorsement is separated by a period would have a starting Document/Bates number like this:


      A 1000 page document in which the Bates endorsement is separated by an underscore would have a starting Document/Bates number like this:


      A 10,000 page document in which the Bates endorsement is separated by a hyphen would have a starting Document/Bates number like this:


  3. Download Notes (optional) - Optional space for notes about your download.

  4. Download Size (optional) - Choose to split your download into multiple split zips if it is above a certain file size.

Create or Update a Download Template

This section in step 4 allows you to either create or update an existing download template, which will populate future downloads with the same configuration settings as this download. You must complete the download to save the template. Download templates can be selected in Step 1 of future downloads.

Create your Download!

At the bottom of the page, select "Create Download" to kick off download creation.

Share Download via ShareSafe

You also have the option to Securely Share your download, either at creation or at any time following creation. More information about Securely Sharing downloads can be found here.

Accessing and Managing Downloads

Once your download is complete, you'll receive a detailed email notification that your download is done. You can access your downloads through the Download tab in the top pane.

Troubleshooting Downloads


If you made a mistake, you can re-create your download simply by selecting "Download" on the same saved search.

Printing or viewing endorsed/Bates versions of downloaded documents

To view the produced/downloaded version of your document images in the document viewer, you have the ability to toggle between versions. Read our guide for viewing and printing produced versions of documents here. 🔗

I don't see expected endorsements on the produced version of my document.

If you still don't see endorsements on your produced version, you may have missed adding endorsements in Step 3 of the download.

Are Text files produced one file per document, or one file per page?

If you select to include Text files, they will be created on a 1:1 basis per document, regardless of the image type selected (for example, TIFF files are created for each page, but the Text file will still be based on the entire document).

How do I view the details about my download?

All the selections made during the download process are recorded and available for later review from the Downloads tab.

Simply hover over the vertical dots and select "more info" on the download you wish to review.

Can I delete a download?

Download Deletion can be completed by a Project Admin, Account Admin, or Account Owner. View user access levels and descriptions 🔗

In the Downloads tab, click on the ellipses ( ... ) button to the right of the download and select "Delete Download".

Once deleted, you will no longer have access to the deleted Download. The Download tag/document identifiers associated with the Download will also be removed. You will receive a Download deletion email like this:

If this was a mistake, you can always re-create the Download.

How to Bates Stamp Documents

Under the Include Images section, click the > More options and image defaults arrow to expand the endorsement fields options.

Scroll down to the Include image endorsement/branding section, and select "Yes, include endorsements/branding" from the drop-down menu.

Select among the positioning options for where you wish for the bates stamps to appear (e.g., bottom right corner in the example shown). If you would like to include bates-numbering sequentially by page, select "Begin Doc (page level)" from the drop-down.

You can also choose to include a custom endorsement (e.g., "CONFIDENTIAL") by selecting "+ Add custom endorsement" from the drop-down adjacent to your desired positioning option and entering in the Custom Endorsement Text to include.

ℹ️ You will enter the custom bates-prefix and Starting Document/Bates Number in the last Step 4 of the download form.

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