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Audio Redactions

Logikcull's audio redaction tool makes redaction of audio files easy. Redact using time stamps, transcribed text, or PII detection.

Sophia Ho avatar
Written by Sophia Ho
Updated over a week ago

If you have ever redacted a PDF or Word document in Logikcull, our audio redaction tool makes audio file redaction just as easy, intuitive, and familiar.

You can apply an audio redaction by any of the options presented below, and the redaction will be automatically applied to the audio and transcription. 

Get started by clicking Redact from the top panel of the document viewer to enable the available redaction tools.

How to Apply Audio Redactions

Redacting audio using time stamps (click to expand)

If you’d like to redact by using specific times on your audio file, you can enter the Start and End Time of your redaction with the following steps:

  1. Enter the start and end times values for where you would like to apply your redaction. The visualizer will display a semi-transparent redaction to indicate the applied redaction.

  2. Choose to insert a Mute redaction (i.e., microphone icon) or a Beep redaction (i.e., soundbar wave icon). You can include either or both redaction types in a single file.

    The redacted portion will match the length of the audio portion selected for redaction. Example: If you are redacting 2 minutes of audio, the muted silence and/or beep will last 2 minutes.

  3. Choose to include an (optional) redaction label from the drop-down options.

  4. Click Redact. The redaction will be logged in the right pane under the Redactions field in a redaction card.

Redacting audio using transcribed text (click to expand)

Using Logikcull's incredible automatic transcription functionality for imported audio files, you can now apply your redactions to the auto-generated transcription text* and Logikcull will automatically apply the same redaction to the audio file.

Subscription users with AV Transcription tool enabled have access to this function.

Option 1: Search and Redact

Use Search Highlighting to Find-And-Redact the transcription text.

Click Search from the top pane of the document viewer > Enter search terms in the field provided.

☝️ Search term hits will appear as highlighted in the transcript. Click Redact to redact the single instance, or click Redact All to redact all instances.

Option 2: Select to Redact

You can directly highlight the text in the transcript, just like you would highlight redactions in a text document, and select Redact from the popper that appears.

To apply a Redaction Label once the redaction is created, refer to the timestamp panel at the top to make a selection > click Update to save.

Option 3: PII Detection Redaction

Accounts with PII detection enabled can leverage this feature to streamline your redaction workflow.

From the PII Panel on the right-side of the document viewer, check the box(es) for the type(s) of PII types that you’d like to redact and select to redact from the same panel.

Supported File Types

See here for a list of Supported Audio Containers and Codec (i.e., supported audio file types).

Audio Redactions can only be applied to Audio Files at this time. We do not currently support redactions on videos nor audio of Video Files.

Feature Walk-Through

Adjusting Volume and Playback Speed

  • Click on the microphone icon to adjust the volume setting for the playback as you redact.

  • Click on the number representing playback speed to choose a faster or slower playback speed.

The Redaction Right-Side Panel

Consult the right-side Redactions Panel to see the redaction cards for each applied redaction, which reference:

  • Timestamps (Start and End Time)

  • Redaction Sound (Mute or Beep)

  • Redaction Label (if applicable)


You can review previously produced audio-redacted files as seamlessly as reviewing a previously-produced PDF.

In the document viewer, select the applicable Version from the drop-down menu:

From the Versions viewer, you can:

  • Play-back the redacted Version from a specific Download to ensure accuracy of applied redactions

  • Download Native redacted Version

  • Download Original unredacted Version

  • Confirm whether Native Version was included in a Download (as Downloads without Natives Included will include an Image instead)

⚠️ Note that the transcript for the selected Versions will not reflect the redactions for that Version.

Delete All Redactions

To delete all redactions an audio file, hover the cursor over the three-dot-kebab > select Delete All Redactions.

Downloads and Exports for Audio Redactions

How Audio Redacted Files Export in a Download

The settings in Step 3 of your 4-Step Download form will determine how audio files are treated in the Download.

To include redactions in your Download, start first with the Redaction setting in Step 3:

First, select “Yes, include redactions on images and redactable natives” from the drop-down option.

⚠️ If you select “No, don’t include redactions on images”, the download files will not include redactions.

Then, apply the following settings according to your preferences:

🔉 Including the redacted audio files in a Download

Select “Yes, include native files download”. Redacted audio files will be included in the NativeFiles directory in the .zip folder.

⚠️ If you select “No, don’t include native files in download”, the audio files will not be included in the download. Audio files will only ever be included in the NativeFiles directory.

📷 Including image slip-sheets in a Download

Select “Yes, include images in download”:

💡 If you would like to include endorsed or bates-stamped slip-sheets:

select “Yes, include endorsements/branding” under the > More options and image defaults expanded section and make the appropriate selections. See here for a Quick Guide: How to Bates Stamp Documents.

✏️ Including redacted text files in a Download:

Select “Yes, include text files in download”:

📝 Logikcull will perform re-OCR on the Text File to provide a Redacted text file with [Redacted] placeholder(s). If a Redaction Label was applied, the Text File will also include the Redaction Label:

Export Redaction Data

Download Redaction Report

You may need to export a list of redactions made to the audio files from a Download/production to maintain a defensible process or for your own records. Whatever the reason, Logikcull automatically generates a Redactions Report for each Download which lists the audio redactions (by timestamp) and redaction label, if applicable.

How to Access Download Redaction Reports

👉 Navigate to the applicable Download card under the Downloads tab

👉 Hover the cursor over the three-dot-kebab

👉 Select Download Reports

📁 Open the downloaded folder and select the CSV file ending in _redactions.csv

👀 See the column titled Label Summary.

Example Label Summary column in a Download Redaction Report

👆 The redactions will follow the follow format(s):

  • xx:xx:xx.xx to yy:yy:yy.yy - Label , if there is a redaction label, or

  • xx:xx:xx.xx to yy:yy:yy.yy, if there is not a redaction label

Export Redaction Data in Load File

You can choose to include a field in the Load File Template which lists the audio redactions (by timestamps) and redaction labels, if applicable.

👉 In Step 2 of the Download Form, select Create New Template.

👉 Select Redactions Label Summary from the Available Fields.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to redact both the transcript and the audio file?

Nope, our tool is a two-way redaction! You only need to redact in one place: either the audio file (by entering the start and end times of each redaction) or the transcript text. Logikcull will automatically apply the redaction in the other file format.

Can you insert multiple redaction types across a single audio file?

Yes, you can apply multiple redactions in a single file. For example, you can redact 2 minutes of the audio file by including 1:30 of muted silence and 30 seconds of a bleep.

Will I be able to redact the audio on a video file? 

At this time, we only support redactions for Audio Files. Video files cannot be redacted (yet!). 

Can I use Logikcull's Global Redactions tool on audio files?

At this time, the Global Redactions (redacting across multiple documents) feature does not include audio files.

Where are my redaction labels? I added a label but don't see it on the transcript.

Redaction labels for audio files don't appear overlaid on the Logikcull in-app transcript, but appear in the right side panel for the redaction. Redaction labels will be produced, in place of the redacted text, in the text file of the produced document.

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