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The Document Viewer

Conduct review quickly and efficiently with Logikcull's Document Viewer tools.

Ricardo Ortiz avatar
Written by Ricardo Ortiz
Updated over a year ago

Navigating the Document Viewer

In the Document Viewer, you can:

1. Search for keywords within the document.

2. "Pop out" the document into another window for dual-monitor reviewing.

3. Download a document. (Click on Download, then select PDF or Text.)

4. Select “Redact” to apply redactions.

5. See tags that have been applied to the document, including Auto Tags.

6. Click "More" to see additional options and to customize the toolbar.

7. Navigate to the previous or next document.

Customizing the Document Viewer

To customize the doc viewer toolbar, hover over the vertical dots at the top of the page, then select "Customize."

Select the tools you want in the toolbar and rearrange to your desired locations. Click Save and Close.

Searching within a document

To search for a keyword in the document viewer, click "Search."

This opens the in-document search bar. If your document was processed with a native text layer, or if it has an OCR/DTR text layer, in-document search hits will be highlighted directly on the document image.

The option to redact individual hits, or all hits, will also appear to the right of the search bar.

The Document Info Panel

In the Document Info Panel you can:

1. Click the menu icon to expand the Document Info Panel.

2. Check the box next to the desired tag to apply the tag to the document.

3. Open tag options - Click the 3 vertical dots beside the desired tag to tag/untag families and duplicates.

4. View the metadata of your document.

5. Customize your Document Info Panel. Please note: the options as shown below may not be the default options in your Document Info Panel. You can add, remove, and rearrange options to best suit your review.

Bulk Actions (tag, cull, or assign documents in bulk)

In Logikcull, it’s easy to bulk tag, bulk cull, or bulk assign documents.

Start with the 'Bulk Actions' dropdown right under the filter carousel, and select "all on this page," "all in this search," or "none." Bulk action options are described in detail below.

  1. Include Families: Toggle the family on/off button to also include family items (i.e. attachments & embedded files) in your bulk action.

  2. Bulk Tag: To bulk tag documents you will want to check the boxes next to the documents you would like to tag and then select "Tag Documents". A prompt box will appear with all the tag choices as well as the ability to create a new tag. If a tag has a minus sign, it indicates that one or more of the documents you selected have this tag applied to it already.

  3. Bulk Untag: bulk un-tag documents, simply click the checkbox next to the tag you wish to bulk remove until the box is empty (see screenshot below). This will cause all tags in the bulk action selection to be removed for this tag.

  4. Bulk Assign Users: Use the “Assign Users” option to associate the documents with 1 or more of your users. When a user is assigned documents they can use the filter carousel to easily and quickly see all the documents that they have been assigned by finding the filter titled "Users". If you ever want a report on a particular user's progress, you may create a report by navigating to "My Account" > "Reports".

  5. Bulk Cull: To bulk cull, you will want to check the boxes next to the documents you would like to cull, and then select “Cull” on the far right of the bulk select bar. A warning prompt will appear asking you to confirm the Cull action.Adding Notes, Comments and Annotations

Viewing Native Documents

Logikcull renders PDF images of native documents in the document viewer.

To review a document natively, you can export the original version of a document by navigating to the document toolbar and clicking "Download" > "Native".

Subscription customers will have the ability to view supported spreadsheet files natively in Sheet View. See here for more information.

Culling Documents (cutting through the noise)

Culling is a powerful weapon against irrelevant junk that slows down document review. Culling hides a document from the active workspace. For example, if you run a search for irrelevant newsletter domains, you can cull those documents so that they're not returned in "unculled" search results. Culling a document does not delete it. Any culled document can be un-culled in order to return it to the active workspace.

You can cull or un-cull individual documents from your search results by clicking on the vertical dots on the lower right corner of the document card, then selecting "cull" or "un-cull" as needed:

You can also cull or un-cull individual documents from the document viewer in the same way, by hovering over the vertical dots in the document viewer and making your selection.

Toggle the Culled view in the filter carousel at any time to search and review your culled and un-culled documents.

Use the bulk action tool to cull a group of documents without having to select each document individually.

Sharing a single Document with Another User

There are a few ways you can share individual documents with other users in your Logikcull project.


The easiest and fastest way is to @mention another user in a document comment.

Share URL

Grab the URL for a document from the document viewer by selecting "Share" from the toolbar.


Select "Assigned Users" from the side panel, then assign user(s).

Troubleshooting Document Review Tools

Why did I receive this message? "Warning: This PDF may not have a text layer."

In order to run searches and highlight the document preview image in Logikcull, the document must have at least one of these two properties:

  1. Document has been ingested with a searchable text layer on the preview image, OR

  2. OCR was run on a document image, adding the text layer during processing.

Additional Resources

Logikcull Learning Training Videos:

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