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Download Workflow Templates

Save time on all your export workflows with easy-to-use templates.

Leah Keilty avatar
Written by Leah Keilty
Updated over a year ago

With Download Workflow Templates you can save ALL of your workflow options. This includes slipsheet settings, load file preferences, naming convention, and more.

Creating a Download Workflow Template

To create a template, run through the 4 step download process to save all the options you want, and then, on Step 4, enter a template name and click "Save as a Download Template."

❗ Don't forget to name your template!

Using a Download Workflow Template

The next time you run a Download, the template you saved will be available in Step 1 of the workflow. Choosing a template will configure your new download with all the templated selections for sort order, load file preferences, and image/native/text preferences.

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