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Searching for Documents and Exporting Reports
Searching for Documents and Exporting Reports

Use Logikcull's powerful search and filtering tools to cut through the noise and find the signal in your Projects.

John OHara avatar
Written by John OHara
Updated over a year ago

Search tools

  • Search Bar: Search using keywords, Boolean operators, metadata fields and/or filter names.

  • Filter Carousel: Rapidly drill down to a sub-set of documents using a variety of search facets: Upload Name, Tag, Email metadata, date range, and more.

  • Search Builder: Build complex search using our Advanced Search graphical UI, or enter bulk searches to the Bulk Keyword Search tool.

Search Syntax

Logikcull uses a proprietary version of ElasticSearch to run search queries within Projects.

Where can I enter syntax in Logikcull?

ElasticSearch syntax can be entered in any of the following fields:

  • The search bar

  • the "Text" field in the Advanced Search Builder

  • Each row of the Bulk Keyword Search

  • Each row of the Search Term Report

Functional Comparisons to Westlaw / DTSearch

ℹ️ Need a primer on how Logikcull search syntax works compared to other systems? View our comparison table. πŸ”—

Boolean Search Tips and Nesting your Searches

Logikcull uses common Boolean operators AND, OR, AND NOT; and combines/nests search terms using parentheses.
​View our tip sheet for using Boolean operators and nesting your searches here. πŸ”—

Phrases / Exact Searches

Enclose a group of words with double quotes, " ", to search for an exact combination of words.

EXAMPLE: "hello john" will return all records where "hello" and "john" are grouped as "hello john".


* Asterisk: open-ended/multiple-character wildcard search

Example: bean* will return beans, beanies, beanbags, etc.

? Question Mark: single-character wildcard search

Example: b?an will return bean or bran.

⚠️ For Projects created prior to 2016-05-22, wildcard characters will not work within a phrase search (e.g., "bean* soup").

Proximity Search

To find words within a specific distance of one another, use the tilde, ~ , symbol at the end of a pair of search terms, enclosed in parentheses, and followed by the number of words within.

EXAMPLE: (beans rice)~10 will return all records where rice is within 10 words of beans.

Use quotes and parentheses to surround phrases. Use quotation marks to denote multi-word terms (e.g., "bank account") and parentheses to enclose terms.

EXAMPLE: ("bank account" money)~10

πŸ’‘ TIP: While there is no limit on the proximity value, we recommend using 10 or less for best results.

Proximity searching is order specific. The proximity value takes into account the order or placement of the words (from left to right); that is, due to the shift of adjacent words required for the match, searching (front back)~2 may not necessarily return the exact same records as (back front)~2. We recommend combining searches in reverse order as a best practice: e.g., (front back)~2 OR (back front)~2

Wildcards are supported in proximity searches.

⚠️ If possible, try to avoid using leading wildcards in proximity searches, such as (*ethyl chemical)~10

Fuzzy Terms

To find misspelled words (or words with similar spellings), use the tilde, ~ , symbol at the end of the term. Add a value between 0.1 and 0.9 to alter the level of similarity.

EXAMPLE: color~0.3 may return colour, culor, and culur; whereas color~0.7 may only return colour.

Term Boosting & Relevancy

Establish relevance of returned records by adding the caret symbol, ^, with a boost factor (i.e., a number) to the end of search term. The higher the boost number, the more relevant the term will be.

EXAMPLE: beans^5 rice will make the records with beans more relevant than those with rice.

You can then Sort your search results by "Relevancy (desc)" to prioritize "relevant" search results to appear at the top.

Advanced Search Tools

Logikcull’s Advanced Search Tools allow you build complex searches with Advanced Search Builder, an easy-to use user interface, or Bulk Keyword Search, where you can enter or copy/paste rows of searches to generate search term reports.

Both of these tools can be accessed by clicking the spyglass πŸ” + gear βš™οΈ icon just to the right of the search bar:

Advanced Search Builder

The Advanced Search Builder can be used to craft Boolean searches using natural language. This tool can be accessed by clicking the spyglass πŸ” + gear βš™οΈ icon just to the right of the search bar. View our Advanced Search Builder guide. πŸ”—

ℹ️ Best practices for using Advanced Search Builder:

DO use the Advanced Search Builder form to Test your results. This will show you how many hits are found within your data.
​DO use the Advanced Search Builder form to provide the base search for nested Boolean searches. If you have nested parameters, you'll need to manually add the parentheses to the resulting query in the search bar after running the form. Learn more about nested searches in this article. πŸ”—

⚠️ DO NOT continue to use the Advanced Search Builder after you have made changes to the resulting search query in the search bar. Once you run a modified search in the search bar, Logikcull stops querying the Advanced Search builder.

Searching for Production Bates Numbers

You can locate records by their production Bates numbers in Logikcull through a number of methods, depending on how the Bates numbers were generated:

Universal Bates Search

πŸ” Note: To search for any documents downloaded prior to April 4, 2018, please use the β€œDownload Doc ID” field.

If the Project was created after April 4, 2018, you may use the bates: syntax shown below to search both database-imported (i.e., production uploads) and Download items for any control number (Begin Bates, Internal, or End Bates). An example search syntax for BATES00000001 would be:


If using the Advanced Search Builder, select the "Bates Number" drop-down field:

If the same Bates number exists for a document across multiple uploads/downloads within the same Project, you may narrow the search further to a specific Download/production set by adding exports.download_name: syntax as a condition:

exports.download_name:VOLUME001 AND exports.bates:BATES00000001

If Bates Numbers were Generated from Logikcull Download (Exported from Logikcull)

If the Bates number was created from a Download/production you made out of Logikcull, you can use the β€œDownload Doc ID” field in the Advanced Search Builder. For example, the resulting syntax for searching BATES00000001 would be:


If Bates Numbers were Generated From Production Upload (Imported into Logikcull)

If the Bates number was part of a database import/production upload where the Bates numbers were mapped to Logikcull's Begin Bates field, you can use the beg_bates syntax to search for the imported begin bates numbers. Example search syntax would be:


Search By Filename Or Text Content

If the searches above do not yield results, you may also try searching for Bates numbers against the File Name field or text content, depending on how they were loaded in the system.

Example search syntax to search by the filename would be:


If none of the metadata fields above are searchable by Bates numbers, you may try searching the text content for the Bates number itself. Example text search would be:


Additional Search Techniques for Bates Numbers

Types of Searches

Syntax Example

Combination of Bates and Text

Combine different search syntax through Boolean connectors

file_name:BATES_*0489 OR bates:BATES_*0489 OR text:BATES_*0489

Bates Ranges

Enclose Bates range in square brackets ([ ]) and connect begin and end values with TO connector

bates:[BATES00000001 TO BATES00000010]

exports.download_doc_id:[BATES00001 TO BATES00000010]

beg_bates:[BATES00001 TO BATES00000010]

file_name:[BATES00000001 TO BATES00000010]

imported_fields.beg_bates:[PRODDOC00000001 TO PRODDOC00000002]

List of Bates Numbers

Separate each bates number with a space and enclose list in parentheses

bates:(BATES0001 BATES0004 BATES0007 BATES0008 BATES0009 BATES0021)

ℹ️ You can search for up to 1,024 Boolean operators with a maximum of 40,000 characters.

If you are still unable to locate the document by bates number, please feel free to reach out to our Support team. If your access permits you to grant temporary access to the Project, our team may be able to provide guidance on how to optimize your search for your data.

Bulk Keyword Search and Search Term Reporting

The Bulk Keyword Search and Search Term Reporting can be used to type (or copy/paste) multiple search queries that can be compared or combined into a comprehensive search. View our guide for generating bulk keyword and search term reports in Logikcull. πŸ”—

ℹ️ Please note: Filters applied in the filter carousel remain active through Bulk Keyword Searches and will impact your search results.

Exporting Reports

Search CSV

To create a CSV report of your current search results, click the "CSV" icon located to the right above the search bar, which will open a modal allowing you to customize your CSV report:

Download Search Results Form

  1. Summary of what's being reported.

  2. Name your report.

  3. Choose whether to include families of the documents in your current search. This may cause the number of documents being reported on to increase.

  4. Choose a download template. You can choose one of the existing templates or create a new one.

  5. Create CSV Download. This report will be available for download from the Search page and/or from the Downloads tab.

Creating a New Search CSV Template

To manually select which metadata fields to include in your CSV report for your Serch results, select "Create a new template" from the dropdown options in the Download Search Results Form (i.e., Step 4 above):

Select available fields from the left table to be added to your template on the right by clicking the field name. Once they appear on the right side, these can be renamed or rearranged by holding and dragging into the desired order.

Save your template for future use (optional), then press Continue.

Click "Create CSV Download" and watch for your CSV download to appear directly below the Search Results statistics row and begin progressing.

How can I export Document Notes and/or Comments?

When you're creating a new Logikcull Download, simply choose the following load file field(s) from the list of choices in Step 2:

Comments will contain both the comments themselves, as well as the comment authors.
The CSV Download feature can also be used to create a quick report of these fields outside of a full Download.

How do I access or download the CSV report?

Once the CSV report has completed generating, click the "Click here to download" link to retrieve the CSV file of your search results featuring your chosen metadata.

Once you download the CSV from the initial link on the Search page, it will no longer appear as a banner, but it will also be accessible via your Downloads tab, inside of the CSV Search Results folder by default.

Common Search Errors

πŸ’‘ Do not include any spaces before or after the colon.

βœ… bates:DEF00001

β›” bates: DEF00001

β›” bates : DEF00001

πŸ’‘ If your search is nested (i.e., includes parentheses), make sure to include both the open and end parens.

βœ… bates:(DEF00001 DEF00002 DEF00005)

β›” bates:(DEF00001 DEF00002 DEF00005

β›” bates:DEF00001 DEF00002 DEF00005)

Troubleshooting Search Queries

Query invalid. Unexpected value at offset # " ".

This error message means there's a space at character number # where Logikcull wasn't expecting a space. This is usually the result of a space between the colon separating a field name from a search query, e.g., tags: "tag name". Removing the space at the location indicated by the error should resolve this message.

My documents are disappearing from my search after I add or remove a tag.

This is usually because there's an active filter applied to your search and documents are falling out of the results because you've made a change to the work product (i.e., documents disappear when you apply a tag to documents when you're filtering on "Has No Tags" in the filter carousel). The best way to avoid this is to remove the filter and instead run a search directly from the search bar (use syntax tags:none).

Searching on a Saved Search has unexpected results.

There are many reasons why running searches based on other searches may be problematic. Saved search parameters include all filters and deduplication views, which may impact your search results. For example, if you're in the "Global Dedupe" view and you search on a saved search that is in "No Dedupe" view, the results will be constrained to your active filter view. The best practice is to make sure that your deduplication view remains consistent across any saved searches you wish to combine.

I've selected "Begin Doc" and/or "End Doc" fields but they are not appearing in my CSV report.

Download templates containing Begin Doc or End Doc metadata fields can be selected from the list of available templates for your CSV download, but those fields are not currently available for this type of report.

To pull in Bates ranges for your CSV download, you must select the following fields for the specific Download Volume in your Project:

  • Begin Bates num from [DOWNLOAD VOLUME NAME]

  • End Bates num from [DOWNLOAD VOLUME NAME]

☝️ TIP: Type in bates in the text box on the left to populate all of the available Begin and End Bates values from your Downloads.

Alternatively, you can select the Prev Doc and Download ID(s) field, which lists all Download Doc IDs (bates numbers) and Download Volume name for the document(s) in one field:


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