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10 Questions to Ask Before You Download
10 Questions to Ask Before You Download

How to ensure quality control in your exports

John OHara avatar
Written by John OHara
Updated over a week ago

Exporting your documents in Logikcull is easy to do, but there are certain things you may want to consider before you create your production. Here's a quality control checklist of 10 questions to ask you can use as a guide for making document productions. Click to expand each section below:

What are the production criteria?

Create a saved search based on your finalized production criteria (accounting for all inclusion and exclusion criteria), then generate and apply a final production tag to your saved search to mark it as your production set.

ℹ️ Need a load file? Make sure you know the required format (DAT or CSV for metadata, LFP or OPT for images) from the requesting party and that you've added the agreed-upon metadata fields to a new template.

Have I resolved any inconsistent tagging?

Utilize the tag filter in Logikcull to identify and resolve documents with conflicting selections, like documents tagged both responsive and non-responsive.

Sample search syntax:

tags:Responsive AND tags:Non-Responsive

Have I excluded privileged documents from my set?

Using your production tag, take advantage of the advanced search builder to isolate and exclude or redact privileged documents.

Sample search syntax:

tags:Responsive AND tags:Privilege AND tags:"Your Production Tag"

Have I downloaded any of these documents already?

With the advanced search builder, you can search for exported:true along with your production tag to search for previously produced items caught in your current production set. You can also check the Download filters carousel for any matches.

Sample search syntax:
exported:true AND tags:"Your Production Tag"

Do I need to burn redactions into the final images?

If so, make sure to select “Yes, include redactions on images.”

View articles about redactions here.

Do I need to keep full families intact?

If so, when tagging your production set with a final production tag make sure that you chose “select all” in your results pane and then select “include families”.

Learn about bulk tagging with families here.

What are the tags associated with documents in my production?

Use the Tag column in the filter carousel to select your production tag and QC your production set by the remaining document tags.

Are there coding inconsistencies between original and duplicate documents?

Utilize the "Has Duplicate" Auto Tag (QC Tag) filter or MD5 hash field in a search in order to isolate these documents for QC review.

Learn about viewing and taking action on duplicates here.

What deduplication view should I produce out of?

If you processed documents using a particular deduplication view, make sure that you’re using the same dedupe view when isolating documents for production. When you save a search for a download, the production will use the specific dedupe view used in your saved search.

Learn about saving searches for a production set here.

Does my download contain expected images and endorsements?

We recommend looking over the contents of a download within Logikcull before providing them to a 3rd party. This is easy to accomplish using Logikcull's built-in document versions, which can be accessed from the document viewer or the Downloads tab.

Learn more about document versions here.

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