Users with Project Admin access and higher can edit file names from the Metadata Modal, which can be found by clicking "Show More" in the Doc Viewer or via the kebab menu in the search cards when in List view.
Edit a file name in Logikcull
Open the Metadata Modal by typing m as a shortcut in the Document Viewer, or navigate to the Metadata option by clicking "Show More":
If you are in List view in the Search tab, hover over the kebab menu in the search cards and click "Metadata":
Click on the pencil icon to begin rename the file:
Rename your file, and click "Update File Name" to apply the changes:
Retaining Original File Name Metadata
The original filename is retained in the metadata of the file as well:
And can be searched using the field
As well as reported on in CSV export:
However, much like any other work product, the original file name information will not included as part of the metadata of the file unless you manually choose to add it as a field in your download load file.
Things to Note
Renaming a file changes the file's metadata and the new file name will be considered the file name for any metadata export in a load file.
βChanging a file's name can take time to process.
βSearch results after renaming may be reordered depending on the sort option that is selected.