How to Export
A CSV report is a great way of quickly exporting metadata and document lists from your Logikcull searches.
If you have a set of data in your current search, or you have a Saved Search of data you'd like to export, you can click the CSV button (just above the search button) to kick off a CSV download.
In the dialogue box, you can choose to include family members as part of your CSV report, even if family members were not part of your original search.
From here you can choose any of the existing templates you have in your project, or use the drop down to create a net new template.
Adding fields to your CSV Report
Adding fields to your CSV Report follows a similar workflow to modifying your load file in a download. Creating a new template displays a two column pop-up where you can choose items from the Available Fields to include in your report.
If you'd like to add Bates numbers from your productions to your CSV Report or Privilege Log, you can add those by searching for Bates in the list of Available Fields and choosing the volume ranges you'd like to include.
✏️ If you'd like to have a combined list of Bates numbers, you can include the field called Prev Doc Number(s)
. This will prepare a consolidated list of starting Bates numbers for the files in your report.
Exporting your CSV Report
Once you've added the fields you'd like to include in your report, you can the "Create CSV Download" button.
Your CSV report will then begin processing. You can track the progress using the status bar just below the Search bar.
Once your CSV report is completed, you can download it from the link just below the Search bar, or find it in an automatically created folder called CSV Search Results in the Downloads tab of your project.
Index of Field Names
ℹ️ Field Names marked with an asterisk (*) are only available in a production load file.
Field Name | Description |
Begin Doc* | The beginning number of a document. |
End Doc* | The ending number of a document. |
Begin Family* | The beginning number of a document family. |
End Family* | The ending number of a document family. |
Family Range* | The document number range of a document's family. |
Begin Attach* | The beginning number of a document's attachments. |
End Attach* | The ending number of a document's attachments. |
Attachment Count | The total number of attachments in the document. |
Attachment Names | The names of the attachments in the document. |
Attachment Range* | The document range of the attached documents. |
Attachment IDs* | The document IDs of the attached documents. |
Embedded Docs | A true/false field to show if the document had any embedded documents. |
Embedded Doc Count | The number of documents embedded in the document, if there are any. |
Custodian | The custodian of the document. |
Page Count | The total pages in the document. |
Outlook Type | The type of email extracted (e.g. Mail, Attachment, Calendar, Memo, Note, Task) |
Family Date-Time | The date+time of the document's whole family. |
Family Date | The date of the document's whole family. |
Document Type | A basic label for the type of document (i.e. Email, E-Doc, Attachment) |
Document Date-Time | The date+time of the individual document. |
Document Date | The date of the individual document. |
File Path | The documents original location in the file system; a bread-crumb. |
File Name | The documents original name in the file system. |
Bates Filename Ext* | The document's begin bates number and original extension from the file system. |
File Path+Name | A merged field of file path & name. |
Folder | The last folder in a document's file path. |
Logikcull Document Notes | Text entered into the Notes section of a document in Logikcull. |
Logikcull Document Comments | Comments made by reviewers in Logikcull. Multiple comments are delimited by '<>' |
Logikcull Document Comment Authors | Authors of comments made by reviewers in Logikcull. Multiple authors are delimited by '<>' |
Logikcull Document Comment Bodies | Bodies of comments made by reviewers in Logikcull. Multiple bodies are delimited by '<>' |
Logikcull Document Tags | Tags added by reviewers in Logikcull. Tags are separated by semicolons. |
Logikcull Document Link | A link (html) to the Logikcull document. |
Native File Link* | A link to a copy of the original file. |
Export Image Folder* | The folder name that the exported image appears in. |
Project Name | The name of your project in LogikCull |
Upload Name | The name of the upload where the data came from in LogikCull |
Upload Description | The description of the upload from where the data came from in LogikCull |
Time Zone | The timezone offset used during processing for the document. |
Password Protected | A true/false field to show if the document is password-protected. |
Conversion Error | A true/false field to show if the document had a conversion error. |
OCR Attempted | A true/false field to show if OCR was run on the document. |
Email From | The original author of the email. |
Email To | The intended recipients of the email. |
Email CC | The carbon copied recipients of the email. |
Email BCC | The blind carbon copied recipients of the email. |
Email From Address | The original author of the email (extracted from SMTP). |
Email To Address | The intended recipients of the email (extracted from SMTP). |
Email CC Address | The carbon copied recipients of the email (extracted from SMTP). |
Email BCC Address | The blind carbon copied recipients of the email (extracted from SMTP). |
Email Subject | The email subject line. |
Email Sender Name | The name of the original author of the email |
Email Read | A true or false field to show if the email was flagged as being read. |
Email Read Reciept | A true of false field to show if the email had a read receipt. |
Email Importance | An email flag to show importance of the email as indicated by the sender (i.e. High, low) |
Email Prefix | The email prefix (e.g. Re: = Reply, Fwd: = Forward) |
Email Normalized Subject | The email subject line minus the prefix. |
Email Sensitivity | An email flag to show the sensitivity of the email as indicated by the sender or keeper. |
Email Modified By | The last person to modify the email. |
Email In-Reply-To ID | The ID of the message that the email was sent in response to. |
Email Date Received | The date the email was received. |
Email Time Received | The time the email was received. |
Email Sent Date | The date the email was sent. |
Email Sent Time | The time the email was sent. |
Contact Name | A person's name in a contact list. |
Contact Address | A person's business address in a contact list. |
Contact Company | A person's company name in a contact list. |
Contact Phone | A person's business phone number in a contact list. |
Contact Fax | A person's business fax number in a contact list. |
Contact Cell Phone | A person's mobile phone number. |
Contact Title | A person's professional business title. |
File Type | The name of the application used to create the document. |
File Company | A file metadata tag, shows company name. |
File Revision Number | A file metadata tag, shows number of revisions in document. |
File Comments | A file metadata tag, shows comments in the document. |
File Subject | A file metadata tag, shows the subject of the document. |
File Keywords | A file metadata tag, shows various keywords applied to document. Not from search. |
File Title | A file metadata tag, shows the title name of the document. |
File Author | A file metadata tag, shows the name of the author for the document. |
File Suggested Extension | The suggested file extension to the document (e.g. .DOC). Used to show differences. |
MSdocRevisions | A true/false field to show if the Excel or Word document has revisions. |
MSxlsHiddenSheets | A true/false field to show if the document is an Excel doc with hidden sheets. |
MSxlsHiddenRowsColumns | A true/false field to show if the document is an Excel doc with hidden rows or columns. |
File Size | The original file size, in bytes, of the document. |
File Last Saved By | A file metadata tag, shows person name that last saved the document. |
File Date Created | A file metadata tag, shows the date the document was created. |
File Time Created | A file metadata tag, shows the time the document was created. |
File Date Last Modified | A file metadata tag, shows the date the document was last modified. |
File Time Last Modified | A file metadata tag, shows the time the document was last modified. |
File Date Last Printed | A file metadata tag, shows the date the document was last printed. |
File Time Last Printed | A file metadata tag, shows the time the document was last printed. |
File System Date Modified | A file system date attribute that shows when the document was last modified. |
File System Time Modified | A file system time attribute that shows when the document was last modified. |
File System Date Created | A file system date attribute that shows when the document was created. |
File System Time Created | A file system date attribute that shows when the document was created. |
Hash | A unique identifier of the document. Every unique document has it's own hash code. |
Family Hash | A parent document's MD5 hash value applied to family members (parents and children). Used for sorting/grouping. |
Parent ID* | The beginning bates number of the parent document applied to child documents in a family during download processing. |
Family Status | The document's family status. Will be Parent, Child, or Standalone. |
Document Language | The languages detected in the document (e.g. Chinese, Japanese). |
Family Languages | All the languages detected in the document's whole family. |
Logikcull ID | A unique number associated with every document. |
Download Name* | The name of the download. Also used as the volume name. |
Document Type | A more detailed indication of the document type by category (i.e. Spreadsheet, Document) |
File System Date Last Accessed | A file system date attribute that shows when the document was last accessed. Not reliable. |
File System Time Last Accessed | A file system date attribute that shows when the document was last accessed. Not reliable. |
Email Container Name | The email database (i.e. PST, NSF) name document came from. |
Email Folder Path | The email's internal path within the parent PST. |
Email Conversation Topic | The email conversation thread. Used to group email threads together. |
Email Conversation ID | The email's conversation ID if it is part of a conversation. Typically available for MSG or EML emails. |
Email Thread ID | The email's thread ID if it is part of a thread. Typically available for MSG, EML, or GMail emails. |
Email From Domain | The senders email domain (e.g. |
Email To Domains | The recipients' email domains (e.g. |
Email CC Domains | The CC'ed recipients' email domains (e.g. |
Email BCC Domains | The BCC'ed recipients' email domains (e.g. |
Email Domains | All the domains of sender and recipients |
Email Create Date | The internal create date of the email. Usually the sent or received date. |
Email Create Time | The internal create time of the email. Usually the sent or received date. |
Email Modified Date | The internal modified date of the email. Usually the sent or received date. |
Email Modified Time | The internal modified date of the email. Usually the sent or received date. |
Email Message ID | The internal email ID. The ID is unique to the email container items only. |
Email Internet ID | The email Internet message ID. |
Msg Sort 1 | Used for sorting emails. The directory path of the PST that contains the email. |
Msg Sort 2 | Used for sorting emails. The email's internal path within the parent PST. |
Outlook Conversation ID | Used for sorting emails. The email's conversation thread ID. |
Appointment Subject | A calendar entry's subject line. |
Appointment Created Date | A calendar entry's created date. |
Appointment Creator | A calendar entry's creator's name. |
Appointment Sender | A calendar entry's sender's name. |
Appointment Start Date | A calendar entry's start date. |
Appointment Start Time | A calendar entry's start time. |
Appointment Start Date-Time | A calendar entry's start date+time. |
Appointment End Date | A calendar entry's end date. |
Appointment End Time | A calendar entry's end time. |
Appointment End Date-Time | A calendar entry's end date+time. |
Email Internet Header | The internal email header information. Used for tracing email paths. |
File Extension | The original file extension to the document (e.g. .XLS) |
No Logikcull Preview | A true/false field indicating if the document has a missing Logikcull preview. |
Nist File | A true/false field indicating that the document is a NIST file. |
Has Hidden Comments | A true/false field indicating that the document has hidden comments. |
Has Ms Office Macros | A true/false field indicating that the document has MS office macros. |
Zero Bytes | A true/false field indicating that the document is a zero-byte file. |
Has Speaker Notes | A true/false field indicating that the document is a presentation with speaker notes. |
Embedded Document | A true/false field indicating that the document was embedded in its parent. |
Truncated Text | A true/false field indicating that the document has over 50MB of text and has a truncated version made searchable. |
Rendered Text | A true/false field indicating that the document has rendered text. |
Has Virus | A true/false field indicating that a virus was detected in the document. |
Mismatched Extension | A true/false field indicating that the documents extension was potentially mislabeled. |
Potentially Privileged | A true/false field indicating that the document is potentially privileged. |
Has Bcc | A true/false field indicating that the document is an email containing a bcc field. |
Is Overlaid | A true/false field indicating that the document has been affected by an overlay. |
Embedded Text | A true/false field indicating whether the document has any extracted or OCR'ed text. |
Text File Link* | A link to the extracted text file |
Full Text | The full extracted text of the document |
Deduplication Type* | The type of deduplication used for the download. Will be Horizontal, Vertical, or None. |
Has Duplicates | A true/false field indicating whether duplicates of the document exist in the project. |
Duplicate Files | A list of duplicates of the document in the project, showing custodian name, MD5 hash, file name, and file path. |
Duplicate IDs | A list of duplicates of the document in the project, showing the unique file ID and any export doc IDs. |
Additional Custodian(s) | A list of custodians who are assigned to duplicates of the document. |
Prev Doc Number(s) | A list of doc numbers given to the document in the previous downloads. |
Prev Download Name(s) | A list of previous downloads that include the document. |
Prev Doc and Download ID(s) | A list of previous downloads that include the document, along with the associated doc numbers. |
Overlays | A list of overlays that have affected the document. |
Copied From File ID | The document from which this document was copied. |
Copied From Store ID | The upload from which this document was copied. |
Copied From Project ID | The project from which this document was copied. |
Redaction Label Summary* | List of redaction labels used on the document. |
(Imported) Field Name | The 'field_name' field from the imported properties for the document. |
Doc Num from DOWNLOAD | The control number assigned to the document in a specific Download. |
Tag: TAG NAME | A field named after and populated with the tag's name. Each tag has a corresponding field. True/Blank value. |
Field: FIELD NAME | A field named after and populated with the custom field's name. Each custom field has a corresponding field, and a custom value. |
+New Static Field | The option to create a new field populated with a static value entered by the user during Download Creation. |
Slack Conversation ID | The unique Channel ID issued by Slack for each Slack Channel and/or DM. The Channel ID is found in the About page in each channel's properties page.
A Slack Conversation is a set of time-bound messages in a given day. |
Slack Conversation Name | For Slack Channels, this field contains the name of the Slack Channel. For DMs, this field contains the name(s) of the Participants. |
Slack DM Participants | For DMs only, Author IDs, display names, and author names. |
Slack Senders | Author IDs, display names, and author names of those who sent or posted messages in the conversation-day. |
Slack Reactions | The list of all reaction emoji(s) used in messages in the conversation, meaning their Slack ID (e.g., :grin:) |
Slack Attachment Date-Time Created | Date and Time of when the attachment was first uploaded to the Slack workspace |
Slack Attachment Uploaded By | Author IDs, display names, and author names of sender for attachment in a Slack conversation. |