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Creating Legal Holds

Send and manage Legal Holds with our easy-to-use messaging tools.

Anna Sosoka avatar
Written by Anna Sosoka
Updated over 7 months ago

Legal holds and Slack integration features are only available for Subscription customers.

Creating your initial hold

To Create a new Legal Hold, select the "Create new" button (located at the top left of the page) and choose "Create a new Legal Hold."

Step 1: Name your hold

  • By default, Logikcull will create a Project to store a Legal Hold. The Project will take on the name of your hold but the project name can be edited after it's created.

    • Projects are required for legal holds because legal holds are fully integrated with our Discovery product.

  • If you have an existing project that you'd like to add you hold to, you can select it from the "Select a project" drop-down.

  • If you're creating a legal hold from a Project page, you will not see an option to select a project.

  • If you wish to utilize or connect to Logikcull's GVault Integration to preserve data, check to Preserve Data.

  • If you wish to include a Survey that Custodians will be automatically directed to (and required to complete) a survey or questionnaire, check to Include a Survey.

  • Notes: You may input text notes (not visible to Custodians) in this field. This can consist of anything you wish to denote internally (e.g., lead counsel names assigned to a case). This information can be exported to a searchable report field for future records' purposes, if desired.

Step 2: Create Message

  • "Start from a template" allows you to start from a blank message or from an existing message template. More information on how to add/edit/delete a Legal Hold template here.

  • Message Subject: this line will appears as the email Subject line for an emailed legal hold notice, and/or the header of the Slack inbox message, as applicable. This will also be the text used for the variable text field labeled "Notice Email Subject" in the next screen.

  • Sender's Name: you can update the name that displays as the email sender. The default is the name of the user creating the hold. Note that only the display name will update, emails are sent from “"

  • Email From (Premium Legal Hold subscribers only): select a verified email as a sender. More info on setting up Custom Sender Email addresses here.

  • Reply to Email: allows you to designate the recipient of a reply if a custodian replies to the legal hold email. The default is the email address of the user creating the hold.

    • Tip: If you have set up an internal designated inbox on your end specifically to field reply emails from custodians put on hold, you may use that email address as the Reply To Email to consolidate all replies relevant to the legal hold here.

  • CC Recipients: CC recipients will receive a copy of the hold message but will not be added as custodians.

  • Notice Acceptance Button: Enter the text to appear on the button for custodians to click to confirm their acceptance. Characters are restricted to letters and numbers (i.e., no slashes or punctuation).

Hold Message: This is the legal hold notice message sent to custodians and any recipients included as CC Recipients. If you selected one of the pre-set templates in the previous screen, you may edit the message body here by replacing any bold/bracketed information with the applicable details.

💡Editing Options for Legal Hold Notice Messages

  • Insert variable text fields (indicated by fields enclosed by double-brackets)

    • [ [Custodians] ]

    • [ [List of Custodians] ]

    • [ [Notice Email Subject] ]

    • [ [Legal Hold Created Date] ]

  • Include an attachment (e.g., instructions, FAQs, etc.) by clicking on the paperclip icon

  • If using a template provided by Logikcull, replace any bold text enclosed in [single-brackets] with applicable details

Reminder message: This is an optional message that will precede the original legal hold notice if you select to "Resend" the legal hold in Step 4.

Release message: This is the message that custodians will receive when you release your legal hold. In the last screen of Step 2, you can edit and preview the subject line and message body for the Release Message.

The release message supports the sme variable text fields found when creating the initial hold message, as well as the additional:

  • [ [List of Active Legal Holds for Custodian] ] - useful for reminding a custodian that while they have been released from this hold, they may still be obliged to comply with requirements for other holds

  • [ [Released by Name] ]

  • [ [Released by Email] ]

Step 3: Add Custodians

  • Add custodians: You can copy and paste a list of email addressed by clicking on the + Add custodians from... button. You can include a comma, followed by the custodian's first and last name after the email address to associate the full name with the custodian. This information will then be available to export into a Hold Report.

    • If you'd like to learn how you can leverage Logikcull's Slack integration to automatically pull in your organization's Slack-connected custodians, click here.

  • Available custodians: Logikcull stores the email addresses of custodians to whom you've previously sent legal holds. You can search select these under "Available custodians."

  • Selected custodians: custodians that will be added to the legal hold.

  • Silent custodians: the toggle next to each selected custodian allows you to set the custodian as "Silent." These custodians will be tracked as part of your legal hold but will not receive any emails.

If you have the Slack integration set up and would like to know how to send a Legal Hold through Slack, see guide here.

Account-Level Custodians

When you add a new recipient to a Legal Hold, a new custodian will be created at the account level automatically. You'll need to include both a name and email address for your custodian in order to access the custodian across the account.

Preserve Data (Premium Legal Hold subscribers only)

Logikcull supports Preserve-in-Place for Google Vault and Microsoft 365. You can find details on each preservation here:

Step 4: Review & Send

  • Delivery: the default is to deliver immediately, but you have the option to choose a date and time for delivery.

  • Reminders

    • Non-acceptance: sent to custodians that have not acknowledged their legal hold email (they haven't clicked on the button at the bottom of the email).

    • Resend email: the legal hold email is resent to all custodians at the specified frequency (the "Reminder message" is what precedes these emails).

Test Message: You can send a test message to yourself to check the content of your hold notice.

Review the summary step to confirm your selections, set your delivery time and date, then click "Create Legal Hold" to send your Legal Hold.

Edit a Hold

After clicking into the applicable Legal Hold card under "My Legal Holds" tab, click the "Edit Hold" button from the upper right-hand side of the page to make changes to an existing Legal Hold:

What edits can I make to a Legal Hold that has already sent?

You can edit everything except:

  • You cannot remove custodians, only add custodians

  • You cannot add or edit surveys

When you edit the "Message subject", the "Hold message" or modify the Acknowledgement Button of the initial hold notice, you will see an additional option to reset every custodian's confirmation status and require all custodians to re-acknowledge by clicking the "Update & Resend" button.

If you just wish to save your changes without re-sending to all custodians, you can click Update. This will just send the updated hold notice to any newly added custodians.

The Custodian Report will capture every version of the hold that each custodian received. The Hold report will reflect the latest version of the hold that was sent out.

Editing the reminder, resend or release message will not reset the confirmation status.

Download a Report of All Holds / All Custodians

Administrators/Senders of a Legal Hold have access to hold reports.

Click "Download Hold Report" to generate an Excel report listing all active, paused, and released holds and information such as: hold name, created by, created date, hold status, reminder frequency, custodian count, confirmed count, pending count, failed count, released count, and notes.

Click "Download Custodians Report" to generate an Excel report listing custodians issued with legal holds, project information, active vs. inactive states, delivery dates, and confirmation status.

How to release/delete a custodian from your hold

To delete a custodian from your Legal Hold, just hover over the kebab (3 vertical dots) to the right of the custodian card on your list of custodians.

Deleting a custodian is for when you have made a mistake. This will remove them from appearing as a custodian on your hold page. They will still appear in the reporting as "Deleted".

Releasing a custodian is for when they are no longer required to be on hold. This will also remove them from appearing, however in the reporting their custodian status will reflect as "Released" instead of deleted.

Release/Delete your hold

To release or delete a Legal Hold for all custodians included in the hold, navigate to "My Legal Holds" from the left pane and click the three-dot kebab in the corner of the legal hold card for the hold intended for release or deletion. Select from the options.

After you select "Release Hold", you'll see a prompt that gives you the option not to send a release email to all custodians. If the box is not selected, all custodians will receive a release email with the subject line and message body text set in Step 4 of the "Create a Legal Hold" process. If you have not modified either of these fields previously, all custodians will receive a default release email with our standard message.

What happens after I release my Legal Hold?

  • All custodians will receive the Release Message, unless selected otherwise.

  • The Legal Hold status will change to "Released".

  • All custodians will show as "Released".

  • A "Released" hold cannot be changed to an "Active" hold.

  • You have access to view and edit notes associated with your hold and hold custodians.

  • You can continue to generate reports on your Released holds until they are deleted.

Adding a Survey to Your Legal Hold

Surveys and questionnaires often play a huge part in legal holds to save time for senders who typically have to field questions on instructing people on how to preserve data.

To include a Survey with your Legal Hold, just select the "Include a Survey" checkbox when creating a new Legal Hold. Continue to build your Legal Hold by selecting "Next."

When you arrive at Step 4 of Legal Hold creation, you will be presented with the Survey builder.

Adding Survey questions

The Survey will have one blank question on the form by default. Fill in the first question and choose an Answer type, then select "Add another question" to continue building your Survey.

Questions can be re-ordered by dragging them.

Answer Types

The following answer types can be used for your Survey questions:

  • Yes/No

  • Date

  • Date/Time

  • Number

  • Multiple Choice

  • Paragraph

  • Short Answer

Sending the Survey

When Custodians accept a Legal Hold that includes a Survey, they will automatically be re-directed to the Survey after clicking the confirmation button included in the notice. Custodians will need to complete and submit the Survey to be confirm the legal hold notice.

Create and Save a Survey/Questionnaire Template

You can create a Survey Template to re-use across all your Legal Holds! Here's how:

  1. Navigate over to "My Accounts" by clicking on the house icon in the left pane, and select "Preferences" from the options at the top.

  2. Scroll down until you get to "Survey Templates". Click "Create a new survey template" and complete!

Reviewing/Accessing Survey Results

Completed Survey answers can be accessed from the Legal Hold management page. Select the Legal Hold, then click Download > Download Survey CSV. A report will be downloaded to your computer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access Legal Holds in Logikcull?

Only Account Owners and Account Admins can access, view, and edit Legal Holds. You can access your legal holds and create new holds by clicking on the "My Legal Holds" icon in the navigation bar on the left of your screen.

ℹ️ The Holds section of the app is not visible to non-account admins.

How do I create a legal hold?

You can create a hold from the My Legal Holds page (for Premium Legal Hold subscribers only) and the Projects page, under the Holds tab.

If all my custodians are "silent" custodians, will carbon-copied recipients receive a copy of the hold?

No. If all custodians are "silent" or hard-bounce, the hold will not be sent.

Will my custodians see all hold recipients?

No. Each custodian will only see that the hold notification was sent to them individually.

Can I release a single custodian from a Legal Hold?

While we do not have an individual release option per custodian, you can choose to Delete a custodian from your legal hold, which will notify the deleted custodian that they have been removed from the Legal Hold. However, the deleted custodian will no longer appear on the Legal Hold within the project.

How do I add/edit/delete a Legal Hold template?

You can create a Legal hold template from the "Add New" drop-down on the Legal Holds page.

You can also add, edit, and delete Legal Hold templates by navigating to My Accounts > Preferences > Legal Hold Templates section. The Legal Holds Templates section will be at the bottom of the Preferences tab page.

How do I edit or delete a Legal Hold template?

  • Edit: locate the template you want to edit and click on the menu on the right. Select "Edit template" to load the template. All options available during template creation (see above) can be edited.

  • Delete: locate the template you want to edit and click on the menu on the right. Click "Delete template" and confirm deletion. Deletion is permanent but any Legal Holds sent using the template will not be affected.

How do I add an attachment to a Hold message?

  • To add an attachment to the Hold Message, click the paperclip icon on the far right side of the toolbar.

  • Select a file from your local computer to attach to your Hold Message.

  • The attachment will appear on the bottom of the Hold Message with a "Pending" icon. The hold will remain in a pending state while our system runs a virus scan on the document.

  • You can proceed to next steps while attachments are being scanned, but will be unable to send the notice until this step is complete.

  • You can add up to 5 separate attachments to a legal hold, totaling up to 7 MB.

  • Accepted file extensions are csv, doc, docx, pdf, txt, xls, xlsx.

  • Attachments cannot be downloaded from the Hold Message form, but you can send yourself a notice preview.

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