In-App Support
Getting in-app support at Logikcull is as easy as clicking the help button! Select the chat icon from the left navigation bar to open the support window.
Is the support window blocking your work? Just use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + ) to hide or reveal the support window. You can also exit out of the support window at any time -- your support conversation will be saved and accessible in Messages.
โน๏ธ Premium subscription customers have priority access to live agents and priority placement in the ticket queue. All Logikcull customers have the ability to file a support ticket and request voice or screen-share support through the ticket.
Troubleshooting In-app support
If the support window doesn't open, you may have to disable a pop-up blocker or adjust your browser settings to allow JavaScript. Our support system is hosted by a third-party application called Intercom. This app uses Javascript.
Whitelisting on your firewall is recommended as a troubleshooting step. A refresh of the page may be required.
Alternatively, you may also contact support by email, at