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Logikcull production upload requirements
Logikcull production upload requirements

Configuring your exports to Logikcull's production specifications will help ensure they're loaded without complications.

Leah Keilty avatar
Written by Leah Keilty
Updated over a year ago

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Acceptable format for Logikcull Production Uploads

In order to initiate a Production Upload to Logikcull, please make sure the following conditions are met:

  • The database volume must be compressed with a .zip extension.

  • If the zip file is password-protected, you will have to copy the database volume contents into a zip file without a password.

  • If the zip file has multiple parts (e.g. .zip, .z01, .z02, etc…), the partitioned zips must be fully extracted, combined into a single volume, and compressed into a single .zip file.

  • We recommend that the database volume is no larger than 50GB and recommend asking that larger productions be split into smaller, 50GB productions.

Production Upload Folder Structure

Directory structure typically includes the following folders within a top-level volume folder:


Contains the required metadata load file (DAT, CSV, or TXT) and an image load file (OPT or LFP). Logikcull accepts the following encoding formats for these load files:

  • UTF8

  • UTF16

  • ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1 - also sometimes referred to as Western European) 


Supported formats:

  • Single page black and white TIFF and color JPEG 

  • Multi-page black and white TIFF

  • Multi-page PDF (black and white, or color)


If Natives are included, Native path must be provided in the DAT file


If Text is included, Text path must be provided in the DAT file

Load File Structure

  • The sort order between the metadata load file and the image load file must be aligned.

  • Metadata load file must have a header row with unique/clear field names so that they can be mapped properly.

Metadata load files must be in delimited text format, but you can choose which delimiters to use in the load file. Metadata load file makes use of three (3) main delimiters:

  • Column/Field delimiter: Denotes the separation between column/fields

  • Quote/Text Qualifier: Used to separate actual field data from the delimiters around it (especially useful when your field delimiter is a common character, such as a comma)

  • Newline: Code to denote a newline within the data encompassed by your quote delimiter (most often seen in extracted text fields or other long text fields)

We recommend these characters as delimiters, by default:

  • Column (separates load file columns) – ASCII 020 (¶)

  • Quote (marks the beginning and end of each load file field) – ASCII 254 (þ)

  • Newline (marks the end of a line in any extracted or long text field) – ASCII 174 (®)

Metadata load file must include at least an Identifier field (in the picture below, this is the “Begin Doc” field.) You can provide any additional fields in the load file. Fields that cannot be mapped to Logikcull directly can be imported in as new fields, or not imported at all.

Date and Time Field Formatting

Date and time fields in the metadata load file are preferably separate fields, and should be formatted as follows:













hh:mm:ss [AM|PM]
hh:mm [AM|PM]

h:mm [AM|PM]

h:mm:ss [AM|PM]



12/31/2019 1:13:30 PM
12/31/2019 1:13 PM
12/31/2019 1 13 30 PM
12/31/2019 1 13 PM
12-31-2019 1:30 PM
12-31-2019 13:13:30
12-31-2019 13:13
2019-12-31 13:13:30
2019-12-31 13:13
20191231 131330
20191231 1313

Months (mm), days (dd), and hours (hh) may all be denoted by a single digit except for yyyy-mm-dd and yyyymmdd formatting.
If the time is in military format, the AM/PM indicator is not required.

Fields available for direct mapping in a Production Upload

Establishing Family Relationships

“Family ID”, “Begin Family” and “End Family”, or “Begin Attach” and “End Attach” fields are utilized to establish a family relationship. This can only be accomplished during the initial upload. Family relationships cannot be overlaid. An example of supported metadata information for family members is shown below.

Custodian Field

The custodian field cannot be overlaid and must be included in the initial metadata load file used to upload a production, if you'd like to populate our existing custodian field. The Custodian names in the field must be < 50 characters and restricted to letters, numbers, spaces, and [,._-"()]

Native, Text, and Image Links

Native File Link and Text File Link in the metadata load file must be properly mapped and match the relative file paths in the volume directory. The Image File Link in the image load file, if provided, also must match the relative file path to images in the volume directory.

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