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Configuring Concordance or Relativity exports for transfer into Logikcull
Configuring Concordance or Relativity exports for transfer into Logikcull

These guidelines will help you export productions that meet Logikcull's database import requirements.

John OHara avatar
Written by John OHara
Updated over 4 months ago

To begin, please refer to the source database's procedures on how to export documents into a format that meets Logikcull’s database import requirements. You can refer to the following links below for specific platform export directions. If needed, it might make sense to reach out to the other platform’s support team:


The following load files should be included in your export: .log, .lfp, .dat, .opt, and/or .csv

Before exporting, please review the following information to make sure your export meets Logikcull's database import requirements linked below.

The Database Uploads feature has been designed to simplify the process of loading outside data into Logikcull as much as possible. This process has many variables to take into account, but automated systems check nearly every aspect of your import from start to finish.

Even with this smart technology, questions may arise. This article contains helpful details to help you navigate your options for properly importing outside data.

Database Contents

A Database Upload requires that you have, at a minimum:

  • a metadata load file (CSV or DAT)

  • an image load file (opt or lfp)*

  • a set of images**

You may optionally include:

  • native (original format) files

  • text files***

* if your images are multi-page PDF documents and named with the Beginning Bates number, you may exclude the image load file.

** if your data set is missing images, you may opt to have Logikcull render the available natives to provide images.

*** if your data set is missing text or the text is unreliable, you may de-select the text box on step 1 and opt to have Logikcull run Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to add a text layer to the documents.

Database Structure

Your document database volume should be arranged with a top-level folder named for the volume. Inside of this folder should be folders named DATA, IMAGES, NATIVES, TEXT, each containing their respective file-types. The DATA folder should contain your metadata load file and image load file.A Database Upload currently requires that you have, at a minimum, a metadata DAT load file, an image load file (opt or lfp), and a set of images. You may optionally include native (original format) files or text files.

Folder Structure

Your document database volume should be arranged with a top-level folder named for the volume. Inside of this folder should be folders named DATA, IMAGES, NATIVES, TEXT, each containing their respective file-types. The DATA folder should contain your metadata load file and image load file.

⚠️ Be sure to find the load files and upload to Logikcull prior to zipping up the volume.

Things to note:

  • The uncompressed archive needs to have a complete folder structure, not broken into smaller zips within the uploaded zip.

  • Once the folder structure meets the requirement, zip the production volume for your database upload.

Image Formats

The following image file formats are supported:

  • single page black and white TIFF and color JPEG

  • multi-page black and white TIFF

  • multi-page PDF (black and white or color)


A metadata load file makes use of three main delimiters:

  • Column/Field delimiter - denotes the separation between column/fields

  • Quote/Text Qualifier - used to separate actual field data from the delimiters around it (especially useful when your field delimiter is a common character, such as a comma)

  • Newline - code to denote a new line within the data encompassed by your quote delimiter (most often seen in extracted text fields or other long text fields)

Your metadata load file must be in a delimited text format, but the specific delimiters you use are up to you. Logikcull will attempt to detect your delimiters automatically in any case. If you're not sure which delimiters to use in your load file, we recommend these character values by default:

  • Column - ASCII 020

  • Quote - ASCII 254

  • Newline - ASCII 174

Header Row

Your metadata load file is required to have a header row. Your header field names must be unique, and for your benefit, should be meaningful or descriptive in order to make choosing the correct fields to import/map easier.


There is no limit to the number of fields that you may include in your Database Upload, but you are required to have at least the Begin Doc field. For all other fields, you may:

  • choose to import into a new custom field

  • choose to not import

  • choose to import into an existing Logikcull Document field.

The Logikcull document fields which you can import into are listed below:

  • Begin Doc End Doc

  • Begin Family

  • End Family

  • File Name

  • File Path

  • Native Link

  • Text Link

  • Full Text

  • Document Date

  • File Size

  • Email From

  • Email To

  • Email CC

  • Email BCC

  • Email Subject

  • Email Sent Date

  • Email Sent Time

  • Email Received Date

  • Email Received Time

  • File Author

  • Last Saved By

  • File Company

  • File Keywords

  • File Title

  • File Comments

  • File Subject

  • File Revision Number

  • File Created Date

  • File Created Time

  • File Modified Date

  • File Modified Time

Time & Date Formats

Logikcull's Time and Date fields should be formatted as follows:

  • Dates: mm/dd/yyyy

  • Time: hh:mm:ss [AM|PM]

Months(mm), days(dd), and hours (hh) may all be denoted by a single digit. You may also use military notation for the time and can exclude the AM/PM designation if you do.

Concordance delimited DAT

Things to note:

  • Path to native and text files need to be a single field each with a relative path to the file instead of two separate fields (i.e. NATIVEDIR and NATIVEFILE)

  • Paths to native and text files need to start from the volume folder

  • The order of documents from the DAT file should be in the same order as the OPT image load file.

OPT Image Load File

Things to note:

The file needs to have relative paths and can start from the volume or IMAGES folder


Create a new database upload

Once your production set is ready, you may now upload your production

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