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April 2021

Monthly updates on feature releases, product improvements, and bug fixes.

Zach Evans - Logik avatar
Written by Zach Evans - Logik
Updated over a week ago


Personalized Culling Intelligence

Search it, tag it, de-dedupe it, QC it, date range it, size it up, interpret it, assign it. There are dozens of ways to cull, dear friends, but only one of you. Which is why we present in all its fully interchangeable glory a more personal, a more tailored, a more — dare we say — unique way to search, organize and filter. It’s a button. And it’s called “Customize.” But it might as well say “Roar” or “Party for One” or “Creep” or “Given to Fly” or whatever your self-empowerment anthem of choice. Because this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, and now there is no can’t. There is only can. Now you can move tags to the left — the immediate left, even — of family status. You can bring every filter into view, or no filters at all. You can save your preferences for the next project. You can, finally, be you. And what a powerfully simple thing to be. So, dear friends, how do you cull?

Customizable Doc Viewer Toolbar

Similar to the personalization you’ll experience with customizable search filters (see above), the new toolbars in the document viewer allow you to tailor your feature set to your particular project. Maybe, for instance, you’re heads down on a long review and want to clear out all but the tagging and notes features. Or maybe you want the full parfait -- threads, fields, doc versions, families. Maybe you want tags on top and metadata on the bottom. Or metadata on top and tags on the bottom. Now you have the flexibility. In short, this is your brain:

This is your brain on the Customizable Doc Viewer Toolbar:

Note that there are two in-doc viewer toolbars, one to replace the old “Doc Info” tab and navigation running across the top. In both instances, there's an option to show or hide icon descriptions. Here’s how they work...

Quick Navigation for Families and Threads

Family dynamics can get weird and tangled. A parent with no discernible connection with her children. A non-responsive child. The privileged sibling. Logikcull can’t help you with your rebellious teenagers, but now it will give a better view into family relationships. With quick family navigation, available through the doc viewer toolbars, you can easily jump between parent and child documents in a family. Here’s how it works…

Similarly, the document viewer also supports quick navigation for threads, where the tags applied to each email therein are highlighted in the doc viewer panel so coding differences can be easily distinguished. Take a look…

JPEG Downloads

Landing in the blast radius of diamond-selling The Chase and the epochal Automatic for the People, JPEG, the eponymous debut from Joint Photographic Experts Group, was met with general critical and popular indifference when it arrived in the fall of 1992. But this format, one of the earliest examples of “compression-core,” has gained a dedicated following over the years, its influence palpable on the likes of PNG and GIF. On the cusp of its 30th anniversary, Logikcull has partnered with Numero Group to reissue this seminal image format for downloads.

Reliable SMS for Two-Factor Authentication

Enhancements to SMS reliability, crucial to accessing Logikcull via messaging with two-factor authentication, mean that you’ll never again find yourself here:

You: “Why didn’t you text me? I was in a panic.”

Logikcull: “I was going to. I was, really. But then…”

You: “I tried you like 6 times. All you had to say was ‘I’m fine.’”

Logikcull: “Really, I meant to, but...”

You: “Are you trying to worry me to death?”

Logikcull: “I’m sorry, okay? I was just hanging out and I guess it got late.”

You: “You are SO selfish. You know I have a production due tomorrow morning.”

Logikcull: *slams door*

Cross-App Speed Enhancements

Remember those shiny gold Nikes Michael Johnson wore in the ‘96 Atlanta Olympics? They’re now part of a traveling museum exhibit on sneaker culture, but you’ll feel like you have a pair strapped to your laptop next time you log in to Logikcull. Backend improvements that limit needless database queries for routine work have resulted in faster-loading search results, project lookups and document views -- 30% faster in some cases. Seriously, thirty percent. Go ahead. You can look…

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